If You Can Treat It
You Can Beat It.

Early Detection Saves Lives.

Did you know that your chances of surviving cancer are significantly higher if you catch it early? Cancer screenings every 6-12 months could mean the difference between life and death for you and your loved ones.

4 in 10 Americans will develop
cancer in their lifetime.

“When detected early, most cancers are treatable.”

For many people, the idea of getting a cancer test can be terrifying. No one wants to be told that they have cancer. However, what many people might not realize is this: cancer, when detected early due to yearly or bi-yearly screenings, is nearly 100% treatable.


Why is this? It’s because cancer starts small. Think of a tiny burning ember on the forest floor. It has the potential to turn into a raging forest fire, but at this current stage, you can easily stomp it out with your foot.

For many people, the idea of getting a cancer test can be terrifying. No one wants to be told that they have cancer. However, what many people might not realize is this: cancer, when detected early due to yearly or bi-yearly screenings, is nearly 100% treatable.


Why is this? It’s because cancer starts small. Think of a tiny burning ember on the forest floor. It has the potential to turn into a raging forest fire, but at this current stage, you can easily stomp it out with your foot.

This is why it’s so important to get tested every 6 – 12 months, especially if you have a history of cancer in your family. The tests are painless, easy, and quick. Don’t wait until the cancer has grown from a small ember to a raging wildfire — getting tested saves lives.


This important exam could save your life.

The One Test and PAULA’s test are designed to catch lung cancer while it’s still in its infancy stages. They are one of a kind. The One Test measures a group of tumor-associated proteins secreted by tumors as they grow, and the PAULA’s test analyzes cancer markers which are associated with lung cancer tumors.

Skin Cancer Screening

Early skin cancer does not have the ability to spread through the body. Even though the cells multiply, the cancer can’t invade other layers of skin in the early stages. Only over time do genetic changes occur enabling it to spread.

Dr. Shore’s serial skin cancer screening program has been in existence for over a quarter century and has detected over 3,000 skin cancers. In every case, the patient has survived due to consistent, early detection.

Most Deadly Cancers In The USA

The OneTest

Traditional blood tests look at each result one at a time. The OneTest uses the power of machine learning to look over the patterns in your test results simultaneously and incorporates important information from your health history to provide a more accurate result. 

In the United States, cancer screenings are recommended for only a few of the most commonly diagnosed cancers (colon, prostate, breast, and cervical). Some cancers, which are commonly diagnosed do not have recommended screening tests such as liver, pancreas, and kidney. 


In other countries, inexpensive blood tests are commonly used to identify cancer risk for these cancers in combination with diagnostic imaging tests. 


Many studies have shown that these biomarker tests can help in detecting cancers when early intervention can help improve higher survival rates. 

PAULA's Test

PAULA’s Test is used for early detection of lung cancer with one simple blood test.

Cancer screening with CT scans is only used in cases where the person is at high risk for lung cancer. If you aren’t eligible for a CT scan, Paula’s Test may be an option for you.

PAULA’s Test is for persons who are at high risk for lung cancer due to smoking, including some who may not be eligible for CT screening, such as:

  • Age 50 and older (5 years earlier than CT)
  • Those with a smoking history of 20 pack-years or more (10 fewer pack-years than CT)
  • Current smoker or ex-smoker who quit within the past 15 years
  • Not currently receiving annual CT screenings
  • Lung cancer is the #1 cancer-related killer.
  • More people die from lung cancer than from breast, colon, and prostate cancer combined.
  • National guidelines now recommended annual lung cancer screenings for high-risk patients.
  • Two-thirds of patients diagnosed with lung cancer were not eligible to receive a lung cancer screening with CT scans. 
  • Patients with lung cancer often show no symptoms until the disease has reached advanced stages.
  • Survival rates can reach 80% when lung cancer is caught in the early stages.

Smokers & Ex-Smokers Now Have A Better Tool For Early Detection

Help us spread the word and save countless lives.

The Science Speaks Volumes

4 in 10

Americans will develop cancer in their lifetime


Of cancer cases are treatable

cancer survivors in the U.S. are living with, through, and beyond their disease thanks to research

Who was Paula Shore?

Paula’s Story

Like most people afflicted by this horrific disease, Paula Shore could have been your friend, sister, daughter, wife, or mother. Thankfully for you, she wasn’t.

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Did you know...

Cancer kills over one 600,000 people in the US alone each year. That means, in the amount of time it takes us to tell you what we do, another 295 people have perished. Our goal is to spread the awareness that serial cancer testing saves lives. It sounds simple enough, but we can’t do it without the help of people like you. With your donation, you can help us increase the number of people who hear this life saving message about the importance of cancer testing. It might even save the life of you or your loved ones.

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As humans, we are wired to help others when and where we can. According to the National Institutes of Health, when people give to charities, it activates regions of the brain associated with pleasure, social connection, and trust, creating a “warm glow” effect.

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